Lśniące naczynia dzięki optymalnym produktom!
Profesjonalny serwis komercyjnych zmywarek do naczyń w Polsce !
Shiny tableware is our mission!
As a professional for high-performance flushing systems in the north, you will find us everywhere
where the highest demands on purity,
Shine and hygiene are provided.
...and maybe soon in your kitchen!
We look forward to you.
Ponieważ specjalizujemy się w dziedzinie wysokowydajnych systemów zmywania na północy, nasze produkty można znaleźć wszędzie tam, gdzie stawia się najwyższe wymagania w zakresie czystości, połysku i higieny.
• Gastronomia
• Hotelarstwo
• Urządzenia publiczne
• Szpitale
• Domy spokojnej starości
• Ośrodki dziennej opieki nad dziećmi itp.
... a może już wkrótce w Twojej kuchni!
Czekamy na Ciebie
Tönsmeyer-Service is not satisfied with the status quo. We want to break new ground and advance the market. We invest in development in order to find even better solutions for our customers: innovative products, new business models, lucrative offers. In this way, we are actively shaping the future of commercial warewashing.
A tailor-made solution for every customer: perfectly tailored to the individual situation and the respective requirements and wishes. Effective and safe, economical and future-oriented.
Good advice. The search for the perfect solution. First class service. Tönsmeyer-Service does everything to accompany its customers as a competent partner. We listen and look, we give impulses and solve problems. And we are always there when a customer needs us. You can rely on us in every situation.

In the field of commercial dishwashing, the name Tönsmeyer-Service stands for quality at the highest level. For first class cleanliness and hygiene. For maximum safety throughout the washing process. That is the demand we place on our products. And the promise we make to our customers.
With innovative technology, we reduce water, electricity and detergent consumption to a minimum. In addition, we attach great importance to compliance with Policies and Certifications .
As a dishwashing specialist, we know the requirements and wishes of our customers. We know that they expect much more than just first-class dishwashing results, but also a reliable and fast service partner.
Uwe Toensmeyer

Gastro Star-FlexiClean Polska
Rafal Dybala
Gastro Star-FlexiClean Polska
Dystrybucja i Servis zmywarek gastronomicznycznych
Rafal Dybala
Al.Jana Pawla II 11b
80 462 Gdansk
Kontakt: (+48) 516 544 014 / 668 388 285